Prevalence and Correlates of onagainoffagain Relationships
periodical article
Social and Economic Studies
, pp. 153-196 (44 pages)
Published By: Sir Arthur Lewis Constitute of Social and Economic Studies
https://www. jstor .org/stable/24384102
This study seeks to identify the factors associated with recent physical and sexual forms of intimate partner violence (IPV) using a nationally representative sample of 9,641 women involved in at least one sexual partnership in their lifetime. Women were asked questions near the specific act of physical and sexual abuse past a previous or existing male person partner. Five wide categories involving the socio-demographic background, household characteristics, socialization towards violence, agreement with gender norms, and the controlling nature of the male partner were deemed critical in distinguishing women who experienced violent acts from those who did not. Results from logistic regression analysis indicate that the young historic period of a woman, belonging to one of the poorest households, and having a controlling partner consistently increased the likelihood of exposure to all forms of IPV, with control being the strongest. We recommend that future research explore dimensions of male control in intimate relationships. Este estudio busca identificar los factores asociados con los casos recientes de violencia fÃsica y sexuales entre parejas Ãntimas utilizando una muestra nacional representativa de ix.641 mujeres quienes han tenido por lo menos una relación sexual en su vida. Se les preguntaron sobre el acto especÃfico de abuso fÃsico y sexual por la pareja masculina anterior o actual. Hubo cinco categorÃas generales incluidas los antecedentes socio-demográficos, las caracterÃsticas domésticas, la socialización frente la violencia, aceptación de las normas de género y la naturaleza controladora de la pareja masculina fueron considerados importantes para distinguir entre las mujeres vÃctimas de actos violentos y aquellas que no fueron. Los resultados de united nations análisis de regresión logÃstica indican que la edad temprana de una mujer proveniente de un hogar entre los más pobres y con pareja controladora, eran factores que contribuÃan de modo consistente a la mayor probabilidad de su exposición a todas formas de violencia entre parejas Ãntimas, con el gene control siendo el dominante. Recomendamos que en el futuro que la investigación explore las dimensiones del control masculino en las relaciones Ãntimas. Cette étude vise à identifier les facteurs associés aux nouvelles formes physiques et sexuelles de violence entre partenaires intimes (IPV) à l'aide d'un échantillon national représentatif compris de ix, 641 femmes qui ont european union au moins united nations partenariat sexuel dans leur vie. Ces femmes ont répondu aux questions sur l'acte spécifique d'abus physique et sexuel qu'elles aient souffert de la part d'un ancien ou actuel partenaire masculin. Les cinq grandes catégories qui ont été jugés critiques pour distinguer les femmes victimes d'actes de violence de ceux qui ne le sont pas comprennent le contexte sociodémographique, les caractéristiques des ménages, la socialisation envers la violence, la conformité aux normes relatives aux sexes et la nature contrôlante du partenaire masculin. Les résultats obtenus d'une analyse de régression logistique indiquent que le jeune âge d'une femme qui appartient à un des ménages les plus pauvres, et le fait d'avoir un partenaire de personnalité contrôlante augmentaient constamment la probabilité d'exposition a toutes les formes de IPV, le contrôle étant la plus forte. Nous recommandons que les recherches futures explorent les dimensions du contrôle masculin dans les relations intimes.
Social and Economical Studies (ISSN 0037-7651) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that has been published continuously since 1953. Produced by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), information technology features articles reflecting current academic research of a developmental nature on a wide range of problems in the Caribbean, Latin America and the rest of the Global South. SES is multi-disciplinary in orientation and publishes manufactures and research on agricultural, anthropological, demographic, economic, educational, monetary, political, cultural and sociological questions with a view to analyzing and discussing the problems of less developed countries, peculiarly those in the Caribbean. Our intended audience would consist of academics, policy-makers and informed members of the general public. For more information nigh the journal, please visit:
The mission of the The Sir Arthur Lewis Found of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) is to undertake high-quality inquiry and graduate teaching in the areas of social and economic development policy, governance and public policy with special reference to pocket-sized developing countries.
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